Levy Spearmen: Common village and town folk levied into the army.Peasants: Mere farmers armed with simple weapons, are excellent cannon fodder.Whilst not fighting with the same ferocity as our northern neighbours, our men are quite disciplined and form a very strong line that will prove tough for any foe to breakthrough. The barbarous Scots inhabit the northern mountains and will prove to be a tough nut to crack in order to ascertain an domination over the isles. However in the far north of the British Isles lays a grave threat to our peace and security. These lands should prove to be easy conquests for a general of your talent. Unfortunately this is currently the extent of our borders but they may be expanded quickly and easily by the subjugation of nearby rebel settlements both on the Isles and mainland Europe. This castle is our main troop producing settlement on the British Isles and should be developed to allow for the recruitment of better troops for our armies. The second castle resides in Nottingham, to the north of London.

This was our original settlement some years ago before we made our invasion of England. The first and slightly more developed castle resides at Caen on the northern coast of what will become France. This London is a not only our capital but is also a large town and where most of our yearly income is generated. Our seat of power rests in London, which I located in Southern England. But before our journey together commences, you must be given a briefing on our lands, army and current situation, so that you may be better prepared for our campaign.Īs English peoples, we hereby claim domination over the English Isles! Though of once Nordic and Norman stock, we are now English and should be allowed to rule the lands accordingly. We, The English peoples are ready to march the long road to victory and conquest.

We have expected your arrival for many years now but you must have been unavoidably detained. Search Search for: Faction Overview: England, by Awesome Eagle