Fastball Special: Pony asks Talon to throw her at Meteora. Easily Forgiven: Averted Star still isn't on good terms with the Commission. Crush Blush: Star blushes and turns away after Marco accepts her order to delay Meteora, and they both blush when one of the chefs interrupts their hug. Cross-Referenced Titles: The titles of this episode and the following one together form the phrase "divide and conquer". In addition, Star stuffed a bunch of additional mirror phones with the same reminder into her boot just in case she lost the first. Crazy-Prepared: Star put a reminder on her mirror phone to go off every few seconds to remind her of who she is. Cool Shades: Talon hands these out to the "Marc-nificent Seven" in preparation for a "victory photo". He even apologizes for the events of "Monster Arm", despite having nothing to do with that one. Candle Cares", "Friendenemies" and "Naysaya". Continuity Cavalcade: Tom apologizes to Marco for all the stuff he did in "Blood Moon Ball", "Mr.
Marco is quick to veto that idea and volunteers himself, instead.
Closest Thing We Got: Star tries to recruit Lavabo the laundry knight to fight Meteora simply because he's the only person in the castle to demonstrate any initiative. Cliffhanger: The episode ends with Marco and his team being slaughtered by Meteora while Star has lost her memory in the Realm of Magic. Marco finally brings up that even though he's been aged back to normal, he still has 16 years worth of experience from Hekapoo's domain. Star still hasn't forgiven the Magical High Commission for their conspiracy regarding her family, refusing to accept counsel from "liars". Spider with a Top Hat's Gatling Good weapon runs out of ammunition after a few moments of sustained fire. Berserk Button: Not only does Star get mad at being called just queen instead of acting queen, she blasts Sir Muscleton when he calls her "baby girl". Batman Gambit: Marco's plan is basically to use Meteora's hatred of him to lure her into a trap. Then he gets his soul stolen by Meteora, who then attacks Marco. Bait-and-Switch Boss: When Marco uses his Princess Turdina persona to lure out Meteora, he hears thundering footsteps, only for it to actually be the monster River met in "Marco and the King".
Sir Lavabo and the knights featured in "Trial by Squire" are all present in the episode, but they don't really play a relevant role. Additionally, the giant monster from "Marco and the King" makes a reappearance before Meteora drains his soul out. Back for the Finale: Talon Raventalon, from "Night Life", and Jorby, from "Lava Lake Beach", are some of the people Marco chose to team up with. Star becomes acting Queen and plans for Marco and his warriors to delay Meteora from reaching Castle Butterfly long enough for Star to find Moon and destroy the monster princess.